Work with a furnace repair expert in Valrico, FL

Don't Live With a Faulty Heating System

Did you wake up to a cold home in the middle of the night? If you need a furnace repair, turn to Fire & Ice Heating and Cooling in Valrico, FL. We can fix gas furnaces, heat pumps and electric heaters.

You'll even get a 90-day labor warranty for all repairs and a one-year warranty for most parts, so you can rest assured your repair will stand the test of time. Reach out to us today to get a furnace, electric heater or heat pump repair.

Why should you get regular heating maintenance?

If you want to avoid needing sudden furnace repairs in the future, it's important to get regular maintenance to catch issues before they worsen. Of course, the benefits don't stop there. When you get maintenance services with us, you'll:

  • Improve your home's indoor air quality
  • Help your heater run more efficiently
  • Extend the life span of your heater

Want to enjoy all of the above benefits and more? Schedule an appointment with our heat pump repair and maintenance team today.